The Lincoln Academy operates as a private, nonprofit institution with a specific mission: to provide education for the dependents of US government personnel. Additionally, at the discretion of the Board of Trustees, the school also educates students from other nations and Kenyan citizens who wish to follow American and international educational standards.
Membership in the school’s Association is automatic for parents, teachers, and members of the Administration upon enrollment or assuming their roles, provided tuition and fees are paid. The Association is governed by the General Assembly, the Board of Trustees, and the Director. The General Meeting, comprising all full members, convenes annually to make decisions, provided at least 35% of full members are present. Each member’s vote is crucial in determining this quorum.
The school’s management rests in the hands of a nine-member Board of Trustees. By law, the majority of trustees must be American citizens, with at least three non-Americans, including one Kenyan citizen and one non-American non-Kenyan. Six trustees are elected by the General Assembly, and three are appointed by the Board. Ex-officio members without voting rights include the Honorary trustee, the Director, a representative of the US Ambassador, a Kenyan Special Designate, and a representative from the Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
The Board of Trustees is entrusted with ensuring the school’s long-term well-being, planning for its future, upholding its mission and vision, ensuring compliance with internal policies and Kenyan laws, and maintaining the school’s financial stability.